5 Home Renovations to Boost Your Home Staging Appeal
Staging is one of the most important steps when selling your home. Not only does it allow buyers to picture their lives in their new home, but it also gives you the chance to add curb appeal and allow the property to be perceived as more valuable.
These are the reasons why home staging matters when you’re selling your property and what renovations you can make that will boost the appeal of your property.
Why Staging Matters
Staging is one of the most important things you can do when you’re selling your home. Not only does it show buyers some options for how they can lay out their property, but it also gives you the chance to guide their eyes where you want them to go and inspire interest in them.
Staging can increase the value of your property since perceived value can lead to a bidding war that will eventually fetch you a far higher price than you initially expected. Staged homes also sell far faster than their unstaged counterparts, often selling within the first 14 days, even in a buyers’ market.
Going without staging is a mistake that could cost you a lot of money and end up making your sale take longer than it needs to.
1. Matching Stains Around the Property
The wood finishes and stains around your home’s interior and exterior should be similar. This gives the property a unified look and ensures that as buyers walk through, they feel like the space is purposefully made.
When staining a surface that has already been stained, it’s a good idea to apply stain remover, sand it down a little to get to a clean surface, and then stain and seal. Don’t try to stain over another stain; even the best interior wood stain won’t perform well if you just try to cover another stain with it.
2. Add Curb Appeal for Little Money
Curb appeal is a massive player in the field of selling your home. This is a fantastic inexpensive way to add an appeal that anyone can do. Spend a couple of weekends, and shape up your yard.
To do this, cut your grass, edge it away from sidewalks and driveways, and get rid of any weeds or unwanted plants. From here, you should update your flower beds, trim any shrubs and topiaries, and add cute details like lights along pathways and charming details that will win over buyers.
3. Replace Windows to Add Aesthetic Beauty
How old are your windows? Older windows with yellowing plastic and paint around them can ruin the aesthetic value of your home. The older your windows are, the less likely you’ll be able to convince buyers the rest of your home is updated.
Look into getting some window replacement inserts that match the style of your home, and update your property so that people are excited to have a look inside.
4. Add Details in Your Kitchen
The kitchen is the star of most homes: so let it stun people! Consider looking up DIY tasks, like how to put crown molding on kitchen cabinets, that will add details that will entice buyers in and allow your kitchen to feel more complete.
You should also take this time to replace fixtures and knobs throughout your kitchen to give it a fresh face. Although this can feel like a small change, it can shift the overall feeling your kitchen gives off and will inspire people to feel more intrigued and comfortable considering moving into the kitchen.
Don’t follow any risky trends like painting your countertops or making your own decals and painting tiles unless you’ve done them before with good results. Any mistake in the kitchen can cost you a sale.
5. Paint and Refinish Your Porches
Paint is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal when you’re staging a home. Not only should you paint the interior of the property, but you should also take the time to paint or refinish the exterior porch spaces as well. This means painting the porch itself, your door, and your mailbox if they were previously painted and haven’t been updated in a couple of years.
Make sure that any paint you use is waterproof and able to stand up against whatever heat, cold, or weather you have in your area. If you’re in a pollen-dense season in your area, try to wait until most of the pollen is gone, and powerwash these areas before you paint them, or you’ll end up with uneven color and coat.
Staging Your Property Can Boost the Value And Sale Speed
Whether this is the first time you’ve sold a home, or you want to make sure you’re getting more than it’s worth this time, consider trying out some of these home renovations to boost your home staging appeal before you sell! This will protect you in the long run and make your sales work in your favor.
Lisa Thompkins is the Design Content Writer at Innovative Building Materials. With over 20 years of interior design and photography experience, Lisa has worked on many projects including commercial office design and residential spaces.
Lisa’s work has been featured in such publications as Elle Decor, Azure Magazine, Decor Magazine and Country Living.